- Integrates into the operation order
- Outlines PA activities in support of an operation or exercise
- Ensures that the PAO is provided with admin, logistics and other support
- Responsible parties at all command levels
- Operations Officer (e.g., S3, N3, J3)
- Summarizes issue
- Assesses media interest in it
- Indicates desired end state
- Provides themes and messages
- Includes responses to likely questions
- Desk and duty officers
- Subject-matter experts (SMEs)
- High-level spokespersons
- Higher and adjacent commands
- Members of the media
- Internal use
- Document with responses written in AP style
- Affected operators and policy staffs
- PAOs from higher or adjacent commands, occasionally
- Examines issue
- Defines command and communication problems
- Lays out strategy and tactics for solution
- Includes evaluation plan
- Public affairs practitioners at all levels
- Internal use
- Document or slides
- Command PAO>
- Possibly PAOs from higher HQ and adjacent commands
- Supplements news release
- Goes into a media kit to help members of the media with in-depth reporting
- Internal and external use
- Document written entirely in AP style
- Affected operators and policy staffs
- Senior leaders, whenever quoted
- Includes latest news release or releases on a topic, plus fact sheets and relevant supporting documents
- Internal and external use
- Hard copy included in a folder or digital PDF document
- Affected operators and policy staffs
- Senior leaders, whenever quoted
- Provides who, what, when and where of an event
- Includes the why, often in the form of command messages
- In lengths beyond news briefs, can detail the how
- Editors of internal publications
- Members of the media
- Internal and external use
- Document written entirely in AP style
- Affected operators and policy staffs
- Senior leaders, whenever quoted
- Provides feedback following media engagement
- Commander
- Subject-matter experts (SMEs) as appropriate
- Possibly Chief of staff
- Constraints and restraints established by proper authority regarding public communication activities
- Source document for responses to media and public inquiries
- Operational commanders
- PAOs at all levels of the DoD
- Internal use
- Document in DoD-specific format
- Approved PAG, OSD PAO
- Preliminary PAG
- Command PAO
- Possibly PAOs from higher HQ and adjacent commands
- Outlines plan to educate members on command narrative and train them on media engagement techniques, including use of themes and messages
- Often, but not necessarily, in context of an operation or exercise
- Command group
- Chief of staff
- Internal use
- Document or slides
- Unit leaders at affected levels
- Public affairs trainers
- Should be taken from briefing card/PAG, then supplemented as appropriate
- Responses to new queries should be coordinated with the same staffs that approved the briefing card
- Desk or duty officer
- Members of the media
- External use
- Document written entirely in AP style except for salutation; queries and responses have corresponding numbers for clarity and ease of reference
- Affected operators and policy staffs
- PAOs from higher or adjacent commands, occasionally
- Boils down narrative, themes, messages and/or talking points
- Provides left and right limits for troops
- Includes contact information for PAO
- All ranks
- Participating unit members
- Internal use
- Wallet-sized document