Joint Combat Camera/Visual Information Basics

Collection 17 items
These tools support COMCAM specialists by providing straightforward, essential information. Service members are encouraged to take this information to supplement or create their own unit-specific reference book or kit.

Review these policies, checklists and general COMCAM/VI operational guidance designed to provide best practices and not prescriptive instructions. The materials are intended as a guide to support military personnel engaged in providing COMCAM/VI assets for exercises and operations. It highlights commonly used practices and formats for deployed operations. Service members are encouraged to use this information to supplement or create a unit-specific COMCAM/VI reference book.

Combat Camera/VI imagery is an information resource that provides a timely, accurate, "you-are-there" perspective on military operations while providing imagery for use to other information capabilities. These tools are intended to help COMCAM/VI service members better perform their critical mission of providing essential battlefield information in support of strategic, operational and tactical mission objectives.

This in turn provides commanders and staff with visual tools and imagery to accomplish operational assessments, reconnaissance, decision-making and terrain analysis while supporting further strategic communication. In an age of increasing information density, providing timely and concise imagery to on-scene commanders is essential to conducting proper Civil Affairs, MISO and Information Operations, and supports planners and warfighters at the tactical level by providing them with straightforward essential information.

17 Items in Collection


COMCAM Train-Up Preparation Guide

2 min

Follow this checklist to ensure you're ready and have completed all necessary tasks before deployment.

COMCAM Pre-Deployment Guide

2 min

Ensure you're deployment-ready by following this checklist of tasks to complete.

Combat Camera Team Request For Forces

1 min

Use this RFF template to request specific capabilities, equipment and support needed for a COMCAM mission.

Standard Contingency Documentation Plan

5 min

Review themes, interest items & operations to prepare for your mission when guidance or PAG is not available.

Combat Camera After Action Report

1 min

Use this template to write action-oriented reports to help improve future COMCAM missions.

Sensitive Site Exploitation Guide

5 min

Use this checklist to help document SSE investigations, such as mishaps, crime scenes and mass graves.

Convoy Operations Checklist

2 min

Be prepared to handle a variety of situations to stay safe and get the imagery you need.

Low-Light Operations Checklist

2 min

Prepare for low-light and night-time situations to effectively document your mission.

Aerial Photography Checklist

2 min

Be prepared to capture the moment and remain in communication with the crew on aerial missions.

DoDI 5040.02

Policy & Doctrine
46 min

Reference the Department of Defense DoDI 5040.02 Visual Information (VI) (20 April, 2018).

DoDI 5040.07

Policy & Doctrine
37 min

VI creators reference DoDI 5040.07 Visual Information Productions (April 22, 2020) for process policy.

Still and Motion Imagery Captioning Quality Check

2 min

Use this checklist to ensure imagery has all the required caption information.

Combat Camera Across the Services

4 min

Compare unique missions & specialized capabilities of units supporting COMCAM within the branches of service.

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