Public Affairs Media Analysis Template

Template 1 min
Microsoft Word Document
Produce a Public Affairs (PA) Media Analysis that provides an evaluation of news and public environments to assess the degree of understanding of military activities and public support.

Check with your unit to ensure there are no local templates that should be used instead.

Before producing the Public Affairs Media Analysis, you must understand the situation, mission and where you are in relation to the planning process. The PA office must articulate and synchronize PA planning within the military decision-making process. Having a holistic understanding of the information environment is critical to analyzing media coverage and measuring the effectiveness of the military and PA actions.

Use this template to write a PA Media Analysis that includes:

  • Information Environment
    • Media Environment
    • Impact
  • Media Presence
  • Media Capabilities
  • Media Content Analysis
    • Objective
    • Methodology
    • Coding Criteria
    • Metrics
    • Social Media
    • Key Findings
    • Recommendations

Depending on your mission and the size of your organization, not all parts may be necessary. Use the parts of the template that are appropriate for your level of command.


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