Response to Media Query

Template 1 min
Microsoft Word Document
PAVILION Media Query Response Template 202302.docx
Use this template to field and document responses to questions from the media.

Check with your unit to ensure there are no local templates that should be used instead.

It is important to remember that you are on record from start to finish when dealing with the media. It is just as important to document each part of a media query, should there ever be any questions, comments or concerns that arise from the query.

Use this template to document: 

  • Received date and time
  • Response action officer
  • Suspense date and time
  • Received from
  • Description of query
  • Response
  • Source of response details
  • Coordination details
  • Remarks

Once the query has been closed, retain the completed form in an appropriate location per your office's Records Management plan.

Note: The Air Force has an official template (AF IMT Form 39) for response to an inquiry that should be used.


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