There are two ways to complete this step, depending on the end result you want.
The first method applies the change to all copies of the image, including the master copy:
- Click the collection badge icon on the image to see what collections the image is in.
- Select the image.
- Make the desired change(s).
For example, to convert the image to black and white, press the "V" key. This changes the image to black and white in this collection as well as the original file and all other copies of the image in other collections.
For the second method, create a virtual copy of the image to make the change in only that copy. A virtual copy allows you to have two thumbnails in Lightroom with different processes applied to them. Any changes applied to the copy will not impact the master file or any other copy of the image in a different collection. To change only one copy:
- Select an image in a collection.
- Go to the "Photo" menu.
- Select "Create a Virtual Copy" from the drop-down menu.
- Select the copy.
- Make the desired change(s) to only the selected copy.