You've Got This: Prepare for Any Crisis

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Use these resources so your team, social media and planning are ready for any crisis in advance.

When the worst happens, it's natural to be overwhelmed in the moment, so it's important to rehearse your response in advance. Establishing a plan will help you and your team regain control as quickly as possible after the crisis occurs. Being prepared in case of an emergency is critical. When you plan ahead of time, you can do your part in the moment without panicking.

To be more confident during a crisis, practice and prepare by starting with these checklists, templates and planning documents before a crisis occurs. They will provide you with structure and guidance so you are ready before the pressure is applied during and after a crisis. Do your part, and remember: you've got this.

Use and complete the resources below prior to a crisis. Save them to a secure digital share point so your team can access them from anywhere and address the crisis as planned.

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