Social Media Post Assessment Tracker

Template 2 min
Microsoft Excel Document
Customize this template to capture quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate social media posts.

Capture individual posts on social media, as well as the aggregate of all posts during a reporting period. Before you begin, determine the right key performance indicators (KPIs) to track and the number of days after posting that you will consistently evaluate how the post performed. This data can be used in preparing a Social Media Performance Report

Customize this template to collect data to meet the commander's intent and translate digital efforts into actionable results.

  • Date and time of post
  • Campaign
  • Platform (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Post title
  • Relevant hashtag(s), if applicable
  • Content type (i.e., text, photo, video, livestream, etc.)
  • Date and time of assessment
  • Post performance at time of assessment
    • Likes
    • Shares
    • Comments
  • Comments at time of assessment
    • Additive (total comments that support the post and add to the online conversation and/or objective)
    • Supportive but not additive (total comments that are generally supportive but do not move the conversation)
    • Off topic but related
    • Off topic and unrelated
    • Trolling (total comments that exploit, push an unrelated agenda or random comments that divert the conversation in an unrelated direction)
    • Most engaged comment

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