Passport Photo Template

Template 1 min
Adobe Acrobat Document
Passport photographs have criteria that are easy to miss. Avoid the time and hassle of re-working a rejected passport photo and meet the requirements the first time around with this template.

Check with your unit to ensure there are no local templates that should be used instead.

When taking a passport photo, the photo must be in color against a plain white background. Military uniforms of any kind are prohibited, and the subject must have a neutral expression (no smiling). Before you take the photo, consult Travel.State.Gov's webpage on passport photos for the most up-to-date specifications and requirements.

Use this template to complete and deliver a passport photo. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the .pdf template file in Photoshop
  2. Import a photo to the template
  3. Position the photo inside of the Photoshop guide's green area, making sure the top of the head is below the yellow top margin
  4. In the "SAMPLE 1 - DO NOT USE" layer, CTRL+left-click the top blue square to select the photo area and click the “add layer mask” button at the bottom of the layer panel
  5. Duplicate the photo and position it at the bottom
  6. Turn off the guidelines by hiding the layer
  7. Export to a .pdf or the preferred file type by selecting File -> Export -> Export as, or print directly by selecting File -> Print

Template Key:

  • Pink: blank area
  • Green: photo area
  • Yellow: top margin area
  • Blue: bleed area

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