How Should You React In This Scenario?

Coastguardsmen assigned to Patrol Forces Southwest Asia participate in a community relations (COMREL) event at Bahrain Mobility International (BMI) in Isa Town, Oct 16. During the COMREL, more than 80 participants from multiple commands volunteered to assist with cleanup efforts, beautification projects and interactive programs with children.

How Should You React In This Scenario?

Knowledge Check 5 questions

Test your knowledge of community relations and engagement by answering questions based on tricky scenarios.

Coastguardsmen assigned to Patrol Forces Southwest Asia participate in a community relations (COMREL) event at Bahrain Mobility International (BMI) in Isa Town, Oct 16. During the COMREL, more than 80 participants from multiple commands volunteered to assist with cleanup efforts, beautification projects and interactive programs with children.

How Should You React In This Scenario?

Knowledge Check {{quizData.questions.length}} questions

Test your knowledge of community relations and engagement by answering questions based on tricky scenarios.

Q. {{currentQuestion+1}} of {{quizData.questions.length}}


Coastguardsmen assigned to Patrol Forces Southwest Asia participate in a community relations (COMREL) event at Bahrain Mobility International (BMI) in Isa Town, Oct 16. During the COMREL, more than 80 participants from multiple commands volunteered to assist with cleanup efforts, beautification projects and interactive programs with children.

How Should You React In This Scenario?

Knowledge Check {{quizData.questions.length}} questions

Test your knowledge of community relations and engagement by answering questions based on tricky scenarios.

Q. {{currentQuestion+1}} of {{quizData.questions.length}}


Unknown question type {{questionType}}.

How Should You React In This Scenario?

Knowledge Check {{quizData.questions.length}} questions

Test your knowledge of community relations and engagement by answering questions based on tricky scenarios.

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