Noise Complaint Log

Template 2 min
Microsoft Excel Document
Log information about noise complaints and track trends in volume and frequency using this template.

Check with your unit to ensure there are no local templates that should be used instead.

Noise complaints can feel like a never-ending problem, but it is possible to reduce the number and improve community relations in the process. A public affairs (PA) professional can use a variety of strategies before a noisy event, such as releasing an informational public service announcement (PSA).

Make no mistake – noise complaints will still come in, even with educational programs in place. This is why collecting and analyzing data about the complaint is essential to target areas that need addressing and take the next steps.

This template includes a place to log information about reported disturbances, as well as example charts to view trends in disturbance types and locations.

Types of information tracked in the Log tab include:

  • Concerned individual's contact information
  • Dates/times of complaint and disturbance
  • Disturbance location, type and duration
  • Additional information, if applicable
    • Type of gunfire or aircraft
    • Height and action of aircraft
  • Date/time of response
  • Time required to respond

Tailor the template's fields to meet command needs. Make sure the noise complaint log corresponds to the form that the concerned party fills out. It is a good idea to host the form online in a well-marked and accessible location. Hawaii's Army National Guard Environmental Office keeps the noise complaint form in a main tab on the homepage, for example.

The noise complaint log allows PA officers to analyze data for spikes that might indicate a problem. Customize the analytics section and present to command to fix weak points in PA strategy.


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