How to Package a Video Project into a Movable Folder

How To 2 min
Depending on your workflow,  there are times when you need to hand off an unfinished video project to someone else for color grading, fine-tuning or some other function.  Using the Project Manager feature in Adobe Premiere Pro allows you to gather all the necessary assets and package them with your project file in a single, movable folder. Use this guide to package your video product.

  • In Adobe Premiere Pro, select the “File” menu at the top left of the window.
  • Select “Project Manager.” This opens the Project Manager dialog box.

  • Select your final sequence in the “Sequence” block.
  • Select “Collect Files and Copy to New Location.”
  • Under the “Options” dialog box, select “Exclude Unused Clips” and “Audio Conform Files.” De-select all other options.

  • In the Project Manager, under “Destination Path,” click “Browse.”
  • Choose the destination for the packaged project.
  • Click “OK.”

The Project Manager should create a folder with “Copied_” followed by the project sequence name in the location you specified. You can now hand off the newly packaged project.

Adobe product screen shots reprinted with permission from Adobe Inc.

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