Establish a commitment to respond in a timely manner for your platform to realize success on social media. Quick responses result in a more loyal audience and a competitive advantage. Your comment strategy should address how you'll monitor the platform, how frequently you or a team member will check the platform, how frequently you'll respond and how you'll respond. Keep in mind that 79% of consumers expect brands to respond within the first 24 hours, but 40% of consumers are expecting a response within the first hour.
Social media implies two-way communication and constant interaction. Users have an expectation that someone will respond to a post or comment and then a conversation will take place. This conversation generation is the entire purpose of social media and requires commitment and follow-through. Posting and disappearing will cause the platform to lose control of the narrative.
Plan and commit to respond, show up and engage. Generating conversation equals greater reach, but failing to respond is a missed opportunity to convey a strategic message and control the narrative.
Note that not every post will require you to message in the comments, but especially when posting on sensitive topics, expect to monitor the account more closely than you would for non-sensitive topics. It is important to be able to respond to any post so that you are ready and available when your audience wants to engage. This sets a tone for potential trolls, who will realize that you are looking at the comments and will respond as an official presence when necessary.