Images of awards and presentations help create lasting, positive memories for the recipient. It is a pivotal moment for the recipient, who is being recognized for excellence in front of their peers. These special moments deserve the highest level of professionalism and attention to detail.
There are several types of awards and presentation ceremonies that DoD VI professionals must document, including medals, promotions, re-enlistments, certificates and letters of appreciation, trophies and group photography.
Use these guidelines for each ceremony type:
- When taking a photograph at a medal or trophy-awarding ceremony, focus on the position. After the medal is pinned, the commander will be on the left of the frame for the handshake.
- For a photograph of a commander giving a certificate or letter of appreciation, make sure the commander is on the left side of the frame, hands clasped with the recipient, and the recipient is holding a certificate or letter in between them.
- Promotion photos should showcase the pinning of the new rank.
- Re-enlistment photographs should show the re-enlistees and the re-enlistment officer with the oath of enlistment certificate between them.
- Presentations should capture the speaker talking to people with expressive facial gestures and body language.
- For group photographs, arrange people by height and row. The taller people should be in the back or balanced at the edges. Take rank into consideration.
View the photographs below for examples.
Medals: Maj. Gen. John Sulliivan, commanding general, pins the Army Commendation Medal on Capt. Jonathan Davis, Strategic Operations and Plans, 1st Theater Sustainment Command, during an award ceremony at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, Nov. 21, 2019. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Spc. Dakota Vanidestine)
Photo by:
Spc. Dakota Vanidestine
Trophies: U.S. Navy Vice Adm. Dave Kriete, deputy commander of U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), and Dana Bradford, Strategic Command Consultation Committee member (SCC), present the Omaha Trophy to U.S. Air Force Col. Christopher Menuey, commander of the 341st Operations Group, Sept. 4, 2019, at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont. The Omaha Trophy was originally created by the SCC in 1971. At the time, a single trophy was presented annually as a token of appreciation to USSTRATCOM's best wing. Since then, the tradition has evolved to unit-level awards that recognize the command's premier intercontinental ballistic missile wing, ballistic missile submarine, strategic bomber wing and global operations unit. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Airman 1st Class Tristan Truesdell)
Photo by:
Airman 1st Class Tristan Truesdell
Certificates and Letters of Appreciation: Col. Scott Preston, Commander, Tulsa District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, presents a certificate to Melanie Black from Parkinson Foundation of Oklahoma, in appreciation of her participation in Tulsa District's lunch and learn series.
Photo by:
Stacey Reese
Promotions: Staff Sgt. Raymond Peterson, pins newly promoted Beniel Murry, 1st Armored Division Sustainment Brigade, Resolute Support Sustainment Brigade, during a promotion ceremony at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, Dec 1, 2019. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Briaira Tolbert)
Photo by:
Sgt. Briaira Tolbert
Re-enlistments: EMN3(SU) Javier P. Eres, assigned to the Los Angeles Class Attack Submarine USS Boise (SSN-764) re-enlists aboard the decommissioned Iowa-Class Battleship USS Wisconsin (BB-64) in a ceremony before members of his division. The ceremony was hosted by the Hampton Roads Naval Museum; the Wisconsin is moored permanently next to the museum as a museum ship. (US Navy Photo by Max Lonzanida/Released).
Photo by:
Max Lonzanida
Presentations: 191211-N-VS214-0074 BENSALEM, Penn. (December 11, 2019) Navy Recruiters give presentations and speak to students at Bensalem High School during the Philadelphia Swarm. A Swarm event is a large-scale recruiting effort run by the nation’s top Navy recruiters to saturate a specified market with Navy outreach, information and recruiting assets. (U.S. Navy video by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Zachary S. Eshleman/Released)
Photo by:
Petty Officer 2nd Class Zachary
Group Photography: The senior enlisted medical professionals of III Corps and Fort Hood gather for a group photo and to take part in the Operational Enlisted Medical Summit from Nov. 18-19 on Fort Hood. US Army Photo by Sgt. Dommnique Washington, 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment.
Photo by:
Sgt. Dommnique Washington