Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Template

Template 1 min
Microsoft Word Document
PAVILION SOP Template.docx
Easily create your own standard operating procedure (SOP) with this Microsoft Word template.

Check with your unit to ensure there are no local templates that should be used instead.

An SOP provides the approved repeatable process used to complete a complex recurring task.

Creating an SOP for your unit can be a daunting task. While it may not fully alleviate the hard work, research, collaboration and stress associated with developing the actual steps of the procedure, this template will set you on the right path and help you document your results. It is designed for Visual Information Managers and based on the curriculum of the DINFOS Visual Information Managers' course, but the concepts are generic enough that anyone who needs to author a standard operating procedure will find it useful.

The template ensures you don't miss any elements of the SOP and contains prompts and questions to ask yourself to guide you along the way. You can use this template or start a document from scratch if you prefer.

For help getting started, check out How to Create Your Own SOP Document, which offers additional tips, steps to follow and a completed sample template for reference.


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