Oh, Crop. Does This Layout Work?

Oh, Crop. Does This Layout Work?

Exercise 3 min

Identify Design Mistakes or Improvements

2 Scenarios

Analyze two graphics and answer questions regarding the design choices for each. The correct answer is required before moving on.

A side by side comparison of two poster designs, A and B. Design A includes information about a Coffee & Chat Series called Being a Parent in the Military. Design B includes information about a Memorial Day celebration.

Answer Q. 1 of 3

Which design best adheres to the design principles of composition?
Which of the following is preventing design B from meeting design standards?
What design choices are causing over-hyphenation in design B?
An improved design of the sample poster, Design B, presented in scenario 1. Design B includes information about a Memorial Day celebration.

Answer Q. 1 of 3

Looking at this improved image, which primary design principle was used to bring the image into design standards?
What type of balance was used to improve the image?
What are the 3Cs of a good design layout?
of Correct

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