Choose the Right Social Media Platform

Choose the Right Social Media Platform

Exercise 10 min

Decipher the Posts

3 Scenarios

Make sure you are working through the process of categorization and audience response. The correct answer is required before moving on.

A green snowplow is shown removing snow from a brick sidewalk.

Answer Q. 1 of 3

How would you categorize this event?
What do you want your audience to do with this information?
Which social media platform is the best place for this information?
Citizen-Soldier 1st Lt. Goodrich, wearing a black singlet, black knee sleeves and black shoes, is shown at the bottom of a snatch Olympic lift holding a barbell loaded with 216 pounds over her head.

Answer Q. 1 of 3

How would you categorize this event?
What do you want your audience to do with this information?
Which social media platform is the best place for this information?
An image of a PDF that shows text describing cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Message from National Security Agency 
Cybersecurity Advisory. 
Message Title: Patch Critical Cryptographic Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Clients and Servers

Message content advises of critical vulnerabilities, software affected and mitigation actions.

Answer Q. 1 of 3

How would you categorize this event?
What do you want your audience to do with this information?
Which social media platform is the best place for this information?
of Correct

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